Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Hey lovelies! I'm doing another post because I wanted to get you a few more things covered for Candy Fair. (I still haven't gone yet, I should probably do that!) Blah has this really cute bag and heels for the event that I didn't want you to miss out on. Of course, you have plenty of time to get them. I had a lot of fun with this. :D But I tend to have fun in general with cafe/sweets posts I guess. Hope you like! 

{ credits }

Cafe Menu | Ariskea[Patisserie] Menu Board
Counters | Sweet Thing. Chaton Patisserie Front Counter
Sweet Thing. Chaton Patisserie Small Counter
Donut Cases | +Half-Deer+ Donut Decadence - Display - Fruit Rainbow RARE
+Half-Deer+ Donut Decadence - Display - Choco Dream RARE
Donut Displays | +Half-Deer+ Purrfect Patisserie - Neko Donut Display RARE
{BunBun} Sweet Cafe - Donut Stand A
Donut Hangings | :Moon Amore: DECO.  Donnut Curtain (Single) (Tron)
Lights | Ariskea[Patisserie] Ceiling Lamp
Macaron Case | +Half-Deer+ Macaron Dream Buffet - Glass Display Case RARE
Photos | Ariskea[Patisserie] Yummy Frames
Shelf | Sweet Thing. Chaton Patisserie Cabinet

Bag | 
Blah. (Biscuit Handbag) N*1 (w/ Animation) @ candy fair NEW
Choker | Blah. (My Donut Choker) Strawberry *
Drink | Pink Acid Kitty Milk & Donut Bottle <3
Garters | phedora. domna harness ( Maitreya )
Glasses | darkendStare. Rose Charm Glasses [Pink]
Hair | .Olive. the Melody Hair
Heels | Blah. (Sweet Gelato Pumps) Pink candy fair NEW
Jacket | Foxes -Summer Love - Jacket - Donut
Mouthie Donut | +Fawn's Demise+ Go Nuts! Donuts S - Pink Inusweets
Skin | more more. bomi skin RARE2_honey (catwa)
Skirt | -Pixicat- Sailor.Skirt - Pink (Maitreya)